NextLevel Business Solutions
Elevating Small Businesses to Higher Levels of Revenue & Profitability℠

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A NextLevel Proverb & Our Staple for Achieving Greatness!
GREETINGS and WELCOME: Find Out if We're the Missing Piece to Your Business Puzzle.
4 Powerful Ways, to Generate Revenue Fast & Consistently, with NextLevel!
See What They Are...
Your Growth & Prosperity Becomes Boundless, with NextLevel!
See the 13+ Reasons Why & How...
So, WHY Partner With NextLevel Business Solutions?
Are You Ready & Willing to go Beyond Where You Are, Now?
NextLevel Provides Everything Your Business Needs to Achieve Higher Levels of Performance & Success!
Can NextLevel's T.-M.A.P.S.™ Become Your True Treasure Map for finding Business Success?
Begin Your NextLevel Journey of Greater Success, by Completing the Following 4 Basic Steps:
Read What Clients of NextLevel Business Solutions had to say about their Experience, with us.
NextLevel Blogs:
Read Our Blogs, for Helpful Business information, Tips, and Proven Strategies.
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We're a Family-Owned Business Consulting Firm that Absolutely Loves Working with other Family Owned Businesses.
We provide Business Solutions, Financing, Marketing Strategies & Systems; Since 1990.
Find out if we're the Missing Piece to your Business Achieving Better Performance, Greater Growth, More Revenue & Profits.
After you watch the video, continue to peruse our website. Then, TAKE ACTION!!!
GET STARTED, Click the Yellow Banner at the Top of this Page, to Access the Application Form for CTA Compliance
NEXT Find Out WHY Your Business Reputation Greatly Matters, CLICK HERE
Then, CLICK HERE, to Complete the Business Assessment Form, and Then Schedule an Online Appointment, with us, ASAP. You Have Nothing to Lose & a Ton of Revenue to Gain!
Our Market Dominance Package is on a First Come, First Serve Basis.
How Will Your 4th Quarter End? How Will Your 2024 Year Conclude? Will It Fare Better than 2023? Are you Set to Roll into 2025 with a Bang?
Please pay close attention to some key considerations and legal compliance, for your business in 2024.
Feel free to explore our website, read about us, and consider scheduling a brief 10-15 minute online meet-and-greet appointment with me. Let's engage in a conversation that naturally shapes its own direction. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have, regarding any of our services.
All Businesses who have less than a staff of 20, and less than a reported income of $5M per year will be required to report the Beneficial Ownership Information, regarding their Business, to FinCEN, immediately. The penalty for your failure to file, will be $500 per day and $10,000, or 2-years imprisonment. This is very SERIOUS and NOT a Joke!!
Our Consulting Firm, in conjunction with our Corporate law partners can and will assist you, with becoming fully compliant with this matter; in the most effective and efficient way, at a cost that will have you smiling from ear to ear.
Feel free to give us a call or inquire, via our chat button. Or book a 15 minute online appointment with us.
With the advent of Ai Technology advancing at an incredible rate of speed, if you aren't up to speed using some form of it or using the services of company, such as NextLevel Business Solutions, you will find your business in trouble, financially, in 2024... literally!
This website, along with the websites of its sister companies don't fall short of expressing all that we can do for you and your business.
Our fervent deliberate intent is to position and assist willing business owners, to prominent and dominant exclusivity, in their market. You will be given the choice to claim dominance of your market or forfeit market dominance to your competitor. The Choice is Clearly Yours!
"Websites made with Google Business Profiles are basic websites powered by the information on your Business Profile. On March 1, 2024, websites made with Google Business Profiles were turned off and customers visiting your site were redirected to your Business Profile instead. This redirect was scheduled to cease on June 10, 2024." Stated by Google.
If your website was made with Google Business Profiles and you would like a NEW and MORE POWERFUL Tailored Business Website, to replace it, let us know and we will Build you a website (up to 7-10) pages, at an Extremely Unheard-of Price. Just Keep in mind, this is a very LIMITED OFFER, which will end soon to non-clients of NLBS..
If you don't have a website that was made with Google Business Profiles, and it was made by someone else, but you want a Fresh New Look, with MORE POWERFUL FEATURES, the same offer applies.
In numerology, the number 8 is often associated with traits such as power, authority, success, and abundance. It is considered a symbol of balance, material wealth, and achievement. The number 8 is also associated with the concept of karma, indicating that one reaps what they sow.
The Dragon is considered a symbol of strength, courage, and good fortune in Chinese culture.
Also, the Dragon is the only mythical creature in the Chinese zodiac and is often seen as a symbol of power and authority.
What Game are you playing with your Dental Practice? Is it a Finite Game or Infinite Game of Dentistry? It's either one or the other.
Adopting an infinite mindset is crucial for Dentists and their organization to thrive in a continuously changing and unpredictable world.
In order to win at playing the infinite game, one must maintain continuity with no predetermined conclusion.
A few other key points we instill in our clients, regarding having an infinite mindset are as follows:
With everything mentioned above, along with the Dedication and Determination NextLevel Dentists has for their Clients and the level of Success each one wishes to achieve, this year is destined to be a very powerful and fruitful year for all NextLevel Clients.
You just might find that booking a Quick and Simple 15–30-minute Online Meet & Greet Appointment, just might turn out to be the most productive and prosperous thing you do, today.
I can assure you this... It won't be a sales session on my part when we connect. However, I will answer any question you might have, regarding anything you might read, here, at our website. The online meeting will allow us both to gather a feel for one another and see that we are both real and genuine.
A NextLevel Promise! - "Because We've Got You Covered 360℠".
With the advent of Ai and technology advancing at an extraordinarily rapid pace; small businesses that don't embrace Ai and Technological Advancement will face challenges staying competitive. They will miss out, on efficiency gains, cost savings, and opportunities for innovation.
Additionally, staying tuned in to technology trends helps businesses adapt to changing customer preferences and market dynamics, which is crucial for long-term success.
Elevate360 ProSuite BOSS™ with over 500 features, is the only Business Operating Software System you will ever need, to achieve higher levels of market penetration, efficiency, customer sustainment, customer satisfaction, and business success.
With Elevate360 ProSuite BOSS™, by NextLevel, in terms of technology and marketing, you will stay 5 Moves ahead of your rivals (competitors).
While the vast majority of small businesses use the shotgun (SG) methodology in their attempt to single out and reel in their perfect customer; we at NextLevel provide our clients with a high-powered sniper rifle (HPSR) to precisely and directly target their perfect audience.
Indeed, the cost of a (SG) is, by far, much cheaper than a (HPSR), however your ROI, and conversion rate will be far lower as well. Let alone, precisely hitting the bullseye.
If you want to sell far more high-ticket/high-yielding products and/or services, with a much higher ROI and conversion rate then, without doubt, you will indeed want the high-powered sniper rifle special.
What should you expect, by doing so...
…And So Much More
It will be like having your Social Media Marketing Campaigns, on Steroids.
NOTE: If you are running promotions, via Groupon... How about having a system that's by far, more powerful and more effective than Groupon?
Ponder this for a moment... You spend your money on advertising, all to have 96% of your website visitor leave without ever contacting you; which creates what we like to call a "revenue black hole".
In other words... if you are running PPC (Pay Per Click) ads you are literally wasting 96% of your ad spend; if you don't have a powerful and effective retargeting campaign.
NextLevel's Robust Retargeting Campaign can solve that problem, very effectively, for you.
If you're not retargeting, which a vast majority of small businesses don't do, nor have they ever heard of it, are missing out on a tremendous amount of revenue, by not retargeting.
However, and Keep -in-Mind, all retargeting campaigns are not the same. Our retargeting campaigns differ in the manner in which we capture your visitors contact information (email, phone number, etc., in addition to following them around and hitting them with additional timely and effective promotional digital ads, on a rotational basis, for up to 90 days each.
You Will Realize Greater Growth, with NLBS.
"Imagine the Potential... Envision the Results!"
…Instead of Your Competitors Reaping the Benefits & Results of our Elevate360 ProSuite BOSS™ and Exclusive Premiere Services...
To Step Up to the Plate and Elevate Your Business Game, 360.
If you read our blog about Business Statistics, on why businesses fail, you will see, as you continue perusing our website that we offer Services and Solutions that help to counteract failing in business.
If your Business is suffering from a lack of market demand; we can assist you in re-directing your business to capture transitioning trends.
With 33+ years of providing Marketing, Financial Services, Coaching, and Consulting to Business Owners, along with 44+ years of actual Business Ownership, Management, and Customer Service Experience; Simply Put, We Know How and Have the Wherewithal to Help Your Business Succeed Beyond Your Expectations.
You can Rest Assured that we’ll Provide Proven, Powerful, and Effective, Services; Result Oriented Strategies; and Sound Solutions, for you and your Business to Experience Greater and More Gratifying Success.
Complete our Simple Business Assessment Form, and Let's Work on Helping You Achieve Greater Performance & Success for Your Business, Today.
As You Continue to Browse Through this Website, the Advantages & Benefits of Working with NextLevel Business Solutions (NLBS) will Become Even More Inspiring, Exciting, and Crystal Clear.
NextLevel's Transformative - Massive Action Performance System (T.-M.A.P.S.™), which is a Proper Business Guidance System, will take your Business to whatever Level, you Envision and Desire.
Your business can be your biggest and best investment. Having the proper tools, strategies, and most effective system in place will Guarantee and Solidify Greater Success.
A NextLevel Proverb
Complete our simple CTA Form for Compliance, ASAP!
You certainly don't want to ignore this compulsory mandate and get fined $500 per day; along with a $10,000 Penalty, or 2 Years Imprisonment.
Rest assured, our corporate law partners will take very good care of making sure that you are completely in compliance, and more.
Our fee for this service is extremely reasonable and priced very low, for all that we will do for you and your business, regarding this matter.
We look forward to assisting you, with this compulsory Corporate Transparency Act of 2024.
Find out Where you Stand among your Competitors, and in the Eyes of Potential Customer, Clients or Patients.
MORE IMPORTANTLY... Find Out What's Clogging Your Flow of New Customers, Revenue, and Profit. Managing the Reputation of Your Business is so much more than just Reviews. It's very much linked to your Revenue and Level of Success!
As Your Primary Business Doctor, we look at your Reputation Grades & Score, as a physician would look at your heart, blood flow, veins and arteries.
Are You Making Money or Losing Money, Due to Your Reputation Report & Score? Let's Take a Look... Because, You Will Never Know, and think everything is okay, Until You See What's CLOGGING Your Revenue Pipeline.
Fixing your Mishaps is equivalent to fixing your lifeline. It will save your business.
Even though, it will Greatly Behoove You to Take Action on All Three, in This Section, which is actually Par for the Course...
Completing This Form Confirms That You Are Extremely Serious About Elevating Your Business to Higher Levels of Performance, Revenue, Profit, and Success.
You can elect to complete this form on your own, or better yet why not book an online appointment with us, so that we can not only Meet & Greet, but have us assist you in completing the form. There's an extra bonus in store for you if you do.
Completing this Business Assessment Form will become the foundation for us to formulate your T.-M.A.P.S.™ (Transformative Massive Action Performance System™). This Road Map Will Systematically Guide and Transport your business toward and to its end goal, successfully. The Sooner You Have It Completed, the Better!
Our Elevate360 ProSuite BOSS™ Business Operating Software System™ is designed to assist you in streamlining your business processes and workflow to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
Within our basic system, you will be able to accomplish the following:
As a result, you will experience:
Let's Get You Started, Today!
A NextLevel Definitive
Aamir Sharif, a name firmly embedded into my Financial Soul forever.
Aamir, with his extensive knowledge of Finances, CAPEX, EBITDA (Evolution x Net Profit) has saved my Business from making a bad investment with a South American Company.
His sage experience brought the right questions, the right profitability analysis; surfacing the underlying problems that brought clarity to the potential deal. His outside-of-the-box thinking goes unmatched in this ever-complex World of National and Global Finance and Investments; he truly focuses on shining light on the deal.
For more than a half a decade, he has been one individual that I will always bring to the table for any of my investments, because of his experience, knowledge, and factual responses to make the right decisions.
Thank you, Aamir! You are a rare Gem in this Complex Financial World.
Ronald L. Lohan, Executive Managing Principal
INSITE Properties & Investments, LLC.
"No doubt, the encounter we had with Mr. Sharif, in the process of acquiring our business, an assisted living facility is a resounding episode at securing an SBA-funded acquisition of the facilities.
The connective muscle at the business funding, by Aamir and his company, NextLevel, cannot be overemphasized enough through persistent effort at the helm of his company, in obtaining the funding.
However, it is our hope and belief to continue to work with Mr. Sharif, in the future funding of our business and the acquisition of additional facilities in the healthcare service sector of the economy.
Thank you, Aamir, very much, for a job well done."
James Fagbodun,
Wildflower Inn ALF
Rainbow Manor ALF
“Mr. Aamir Sharif has been well known to me for the last 16 years, a reliable financier and the ‘go to person’ for any financial needs, be it for Real Estate or Business acquisition.
He has helped me and a few acquaintances get approved for various types of loans in short periods of time. He has deep contacts in multiple financial institutions and advises the right type of loan for the borrower’s situation.
Best of all, he charges reasonable fees (less than market) for his brokerage services and keeps his clients’ interest foremost.
I can recommend Aamir’s services to anyone seeking a RE/ business loan especially if you are not familiar with the complex mortgage market.”
Rakesh Vahal,
Care Well Global
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With NextLevel's Comprehensive Transformative-Massive Action Performance System (T-M.A.P.S.™). Which Comprise of Ai Technology, Services, Solutions & Systems, it has everything you need, for your business; including our Elevate360 ProSuite BOSS™ (Business Operating Software System), Consumer Financing, Traffic Marketing Campaigns, Re-Targeting Campaigns, Reputation Marketing & Management, SEO, Citations, Video Creation, Social Media Campaigns, and much More., All Assessable, by Taking Action, to Get Your Money Ball Rolling, Today!